4 Park Street, Suite 304 info@nhpeaceaction.org (603)228-0559

Lois Booth Legacy Leadership Fund

To ensure our vital work continues over the years ahead NHPA is proud to announce the creation of the Lois Booth Legacy Leadership Fund (The Lois Fund). Lois Booth was one of the founders of New Hampshire Peace Action and was the driving force behind its work and growth over many years. As a Quaker organizer Lois exemplified the peaceful and strong message that nonviolent action and a commitment to ending militarism and war was not only possible but was the only way our species and our planet would ultimately survive. The Lois Fund is a permanent Planned Giving campaign that will become a core part of NHPA’s fundraising work.

Gifts to the Lois Booth Leadership Legacy Fund will enable our work to educate, mobilize, and organize, to build a more peaceful and just future for all. It’s an ironclad way for those who believe in New Hampshire Peace Action to ensure that our vital work continues for decades to come. Please check out the new Lois Booth Leadership Legacy Fund page on our website.

How You Can Give

The Lois Fund can accept a wide range of gifts from donors but the most common gifts would be:

  • Charitable Bequest
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • IRA Charitable Rollover and Gifts of Stock
  • Life Insurance

Our staff will work with prospective donors and their financial institution, financial advisor or attorney, to design a gift for desired impact in a way that best meets your needs and sustains a long term impact towards the mission of New Hampshire Peace Action.

Thanks for considering an investment in New Hampshire Peace Action’s future.

Contact Bill Maddocks or Doreen Desmarais to set up a time to talk about making a commitment to the Lois Booth Leadership Legacy Fund.

Will email:

Email: wmaddocks@gmail.com

Doreen email:

Email: doreen@nhpeaceaction.org

New Hampshire Peace Action