4 Park Street, Suite 304 info@nhpeaceaction.org (603)228-0559
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Peace & Justice Conversations: Media Madness: Staying Informed While Staying Sane

December 16, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

We live in a time when there is an overwhelming amount of news and information available to us, but much of it is unreliable, biased or wrong. Even if it is correct, the horror of so much of it is hard to take.

Let’s talk about how media can affect us and how to make good decisions about what you take in. We’ll ​also share resources and reliable options for getting the info we need while not paralyzing ourselves in the process.

Join Sandra & Amy for an unrecorded participatory evening where we can share our experiences and ideas and support each other.

Sandra Yarne is a licensed clinical psychologist. She has served as an organizer for Beyond War, the Palestine Education Network, Back From the Brink, and is on the NH Peace Action board.

Amy Antonucci is the chair of the board of the New Hampshire Peace Action Education Fund. She is also involved in sustainable agriculture and the arts in Seacoast NH.

About NHPA’s bi-weekly Zoom Peace & Justice Conversation Series: 2020’s upheavals brought us to a new moment of reckoning and possibility. How do we want to live in the world? What do we value? How can we make the changes we’ve been yearning for? NH Peace Action has been engaged in working for change for decades. We’d like to bring you into these conversations about issues and options for the future.  There is no charge to attend, but your contributions in any amount are greatly appreciated.

NOTE: If you do not receive an email with the zoom link after RSVP’ing, please email Doreen@nhpeaceaction.org



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NH Peace Action
New Hampshire Peace Action