4 Park Street, Suite 304 info@nhpeaceaction.org (603)228-0559
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Peace & Justice Conversations: Building Peace in our Schools with Restorative Practices

February 13, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Violence in our schools, chronic absenteeism, high suspensions rates, teacher-burn out, and destructive behavior are problems in many places across the country today as we face a post-pandemic social environment that is increasingly hostile towards public education and more concerned with student “learning loss” than the social and emotional wellbeing of our youth. What is to be done?

Dr. Whitney Howarth will talk about her work with educational administrators, behavioral interventionists, counselors and teachers working to implement restorative practices in schools in order to build positive cultures of belonging where students feel empowered and connected. What can we learn about peace building on the local level and interpersonally that has macro-applications from the restorative framework? Come join the conversation about how we can build relationships within high support/high expectation systems that honor equity and inclusion at all levels of influence in our schools. By building less punitive climates of care and connection, we are creating spaces where learners and teachers work together to feel less overwhelmed and more emboldened as change agents. We are healing harm and enabling healthier, happier, more productive, and sustainable learning communities. You can, too!

About NHPA’s bi-weekly Zoom Peace & Justice Conversation Series: 2020’s upheavals brought us to a new moment of reckoning and possibility. How do we want to live in the world? What do we value? How can we make the changes we’ve been yearning for? NH Peace Action has been engaged in working for change for decades. We’d like to bring you into these conversations about issues and options for the future.  There is no charge to attend, but your contributions in any amount are greatly appreciated.


Online via Zoom


NH Peace Action
New Hampshire Peace Action