Peace and Justice Conversations: Unarmed Civilian Protection
June 3, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
As a co-founder of Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP), Mel Duncan has helped to demonstrate the effectiveness of unarmed, professional civilian peacekeeping. NP has worked for over 20 years with local, national andinternational organizations and has been highly regarded in its ability to reduce violence and tension, and provide protection to individuals and small groups. Mel is now pulling together a proposal and raising funds to mobilize 100 well-trained veteran unarmed civilian protection workers to go to Gaza and the West Bank. Join us to learn more about the concept and practice of unarmed civilian protection.
Mel Duncan is the Co-founder and Director of Advocacy and Outreach for Nonviolent Peaceforce U.S. (NP), a world leader in unarmed civilian protection. Mel has represented NP at the United Nations where the group has been granted Consultative Status. He has received awards from The Fellowship of Reconciliation USA, Pfeffer International Peace Prize, The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. The American Friends Service Committee nominated Nonviolent Peace Force for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize and in 2018 they received the Luxembourg Peace Prize. . During his last years at NP, he helped to organize a Community of Practice bringing together organizations who are providing unarmed civilian protection and accompaniment throughout the world. Currently at least 60 organizations are doing this work in over 30 places in the world
Nonviolent Peaceforce’s mission is to protect civilians in violent conflicts through unarmed strategies, build peace side-by-side with local communities, and advocate for the wider adoption of these approaches to safeguard human lives and dignity. NP envisions a worldwide culture of peace in which conflicts within and between communities and countries are managed through nonviolent means. We are guided by principles of nonviolence, non-partisanship, primacy of local actors, and civilian-to-civilian action.
Mel is now pulling together a proposal and raising funds to mobilize 100 well-trained veteran unarmed civilian protection workers to go to Gaza and the West Bank.
About NHPA’s bi-weekly Zoom Peace & Justice Conversation Series: 2020’s upheavals brought us to a new moment of reckoning and possibility. How do we want to live in the world? What do we value? How can we make the changes we’ve been yearning for? NH Peace Action has been engaged in working for change for decades. We’d like to bring you into these conversations about issues and options for the future. There is no charge to attend, but your contributions in any amount are greatly appreciated.
As a co-founder of Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP), Mel Duncan has helped to demonstrate the effectiveness of unarmed, professional civilian peacekeeping. NP has worked for over 20 years with local, national and
international organizations and has been highly regarded in its ability to reduce violence and tension, and provide protection to individuals and small groups. Mel is now pulling together a proposal and raising funds to mobilize 100 well-trained veteran unarmed civilian protection workers to go to Gaza and the West Bank. Join us to learn more about the concept and practice of unarmed civilian protection.
Mel Duncan is the Co-founder and Director of Advocacy and Outreach for Nonviolent Peaceforce U.S. (NP), a world leader in unarmed civilian protection. Mel has represented NP at the United Nations where the group has been granted Consultative Status. He has received awards from The Fellowship of Reconciliation USA, Pfeffer International Peace Prize, The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. The American Friends Service Committee nominated Nonviolent Peace Force for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize and in 2018 they received the Luxembourg Peace Prize. . During his last years at NP, he helped to organize a Community of Practice bringing together organizations who are providing unarmed civilian protection and accompaniment throughout the world. Currently at least 60 organizations are doing this work in over 30 places in the world
Nonviolent Peaceforce’s mission is to protect civilians in violent conflicts through unarmed strategies, build peace side-by-side with local communities, and advocate for the wider adoption of these approaches to safeguard human lives and dignity. NP envisions a worldwide culture of peace in which conflicts within and between communities and countries are managed through nonviolent means. We are guided by principles of nonviolence, non-partisanship, primacy of local actors, and civilian-to-civilian action.
Mel is now pulling together a proposal and raising funds to mobilize 100 well-trained veteran unarmed civilian protection workers to go to Gaza and the West Bank.
About NHPA’s bi-weekly Zoom Peace & Justice Conversation Series: 2020’s upheavals brought us to a new moment of reckoning and possibility. How do we want to live in the world? What do we value? How can we make the changes we’ve been yearning for? NH Peace Action has been engaged in working for change for decades. We’d like to bring you into these conversations about issues and options for the future. There is no charge to attend, but your contributions in any amount are greatly appreciated.