Two Nights / Two Films
Two films show the challenge of Palestinians living under occupation and in exile.
Wednesday, March 1, 7 pm Eastern
The Tower: A young girl living in a Palestinian refugee camp learns about her family’s history through stories told by three previous generations of refugees..
Cosponsors: NH Peace Action, Seacoast Peace Response,
NHCUCC Peace and Justice Advocates
Palestine Education Network is a Project of New Hampshire Peace Action
Two Nights / Two Films
Two films show the challenge of Palestinians living under occupation and in exile.
Wednesday, March 1, 7 pm Eastern
The Tower: A young girl living in a Palestinian refugee camp learns about her family’s history through stories told by three previous generations of refugees..
Red River Theatre in Concord
Tickets available at the door. Admission is free.
Cosponsors: NH Peace Action, Seacoast Peace Response,
NHCUCC Peace and Justice Advocates
Palestine Education Network is a Project of New Hampshire Peace Action
Concord, 03301 United States + Google Map